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When conveying oil with temperature higher than 120 degrees (such as heat conduction oil and high temperature oil), it is best to use high temperature oil pump to transport, because the pump is made of special materials with good high temp
日期:2022-04-11 14:13:32         点击:198
目前,我国 高温油泵 制造行业已经能为用户部门提供大约十二大类,3000多个型号、4000多个规格的产品,其性能参数范围从真空高温油泵到40Mpa的超高压高温油泵,温度从深冷-196摄氏度到高温570摄氏度。 但是,我国高温油泵行业中仍以中小企业为主,目前行业的
日期:2012-07-13 23:11:01         点击:187
谈到 保温齿轮泵 可想而知是具有保温性能的齿轮泵,泊头市海纳油泵有限公司生产的保温泵型号为RCB\BW\YCB-G型,流量均在0.6-60立方每小时之间。压力0.2-1.0MPA之间,可以用来输送沥青、洗涤剂等在常温下凝固的介质。 保温齿轮泵工作原理是:泵体设有空心夹层
日期:2012-03-07 16:13:34         点击:125
Working principle: Normal cases, heat conducting oil pump start before the pump shell and the suction pipe shall be filled with liquid, when the prime the pump shaft and the impeller rotates, the blade between the liquid and spins, the liq
日期:2022-04-11 15:10:41         点击:107
It is suitable for conveying high-temperature liquid without solid particles. When selecting the pump, take the maximum flow as the basis and take into account the normal flow. When there is no maximum flow, it is usually 1.1 times the nor
日期:2022-04-11 15:21:00         点击:158
此次会议还选举出泵业分会新的第七届理事会成员名单,由沈鼓集团核电泵业有限公司董事长孔跃龙、石家庄强大泵业集团有限责任公司董事长郭庆白担任理事长,李玉坤担任秘书长。中国的市场这么好,怎么可以拱手让人?林凯文轻言细语中充满了力量。 建立新型创新
日期:2011-12-05 20:06:23         点击:200
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