Working principle: Normal cases, heat conducting oil pump start before the pump shell and the suction pipe shall be filled with liquid, when the prime the pump shaft and the impeller rotates, the blade between the liquid and spins, the liq
日期:2022-04-11 15:10:41 点击:107
It is suitable for conveying high-temperature liquid without solid particles. When selecting the pump, take the maximum flow as the basis and take into account the normal flow. When there is no maximum flow, it is usually 1.1 times the nor
日期:2022-04-11 15:21:00 点击:158
型号: RY50-32-200 所属类型:导热油泵 厂家:泊头市海纳油泵有限公司 流量:18立方/小时 扬程:40米 RY50-32-200导热油泵 结构:采用自热散热结构,改变了传统的水冷却结构,使结构简单,体积小,节约运行费用,性能好,使用可靠,是我国消化吸收国外油泵
日期:2011-12-15 13:23:14 点击:86
It is expected that in the next 3 to 5 years, Chinas petrochemical industry will maintain a sustainable development rate, and there will be a stable market demand for high efficiency high-temperature oil pumps, heavy oil pumps, oil transmi
日期:2022-04-11 15:28:46 点击:119
高温导热油泵 是由许多零件组成的.根据工作时各部件所处的工作状态,大致可以分成三大类型:转动部件、固定部件和交接部件。下面以单级单吸卧式离心泵为例,如图2.4所示。介绍一下各个零件的作用、组成、构造和材料。 1.叶轮(又称工作轮) 叶轮是 RY高温导热油
日期:2011-11-06 21:51:43 点击:164
General requirements for pump foundations (1) The basic size of the heat conduction pump is usually determined according to the size of the pump base, and the distance from the base edge to the base edge is generally 100-120mm. The foundat
日期:2022-04-11 20:33:27 点击:91
Model: RY, BRY,WRY. Specifications: 25-25-160; 32-32-160; 40-25-160... Purpose: high temperature heat conduction oil circulation pump Name: High temperature heat conduction oil pump Product Description: RY heat conduction oil pump is mainl
日期:2022-04-11 13:03:53 点击:229
RY型 高温导热油循环泵 采用填料密封和机械密封相结合的形式, RY导热油泵 填料密封用耐高温的填料,具有良好的热态适应性,而机械密封则采用机械强度高,耐磨性好的硬质合金材料,保证了高温情况下的密封性能。 高温导热油泵导热油泵是一种理想的热油循环泵
日期:2011-05-21 11:25:05 点击:147
在众多的 高温油泵 中,RY风冷式 高温导热油泵 性能最为优越,耐高温性能最好,使用起来效果也要比普通的 高温齿轮泵 要好的多,其缺点就是扬程低一些,原因是泵本身的结构决定的,下面介绍一下RY高温导热油泵结构: 一:零部件: 油泵 泵体、叶轮、轴、轴承
日期:2011-05-20 10:44:09 点击:109
日期:2011-05-03 15:33:34 点击:258