Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
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On the status quo and research significance of Pump equipment manufacturing industry in China: Pump equipment manufacturing industry is one of the largest industrial categories in China, which consumes more energy, raw materials and pollut
日期:2022-04-11 15:02:11         点击:59
Bitumen=asphalt. Some customers buy bitumen pump not for a long time after the failure, in fact, there is a large part of the customer caused by the phenomenon of short pump life, the following brief talk about how to prolong the service l
日期:2022-04-11 15:19:12         点击:166
Some customers for the first time to use gear oil pump to transport gear oil, without determining their own gear oil viscosity and oil type on the order of equipment, the result in the use of noise, and the throughput is not enough, this i
日期:2022-04-11 15:21:40         点击:121
日期:2011-12-21 19:51:23         点击:193
In an oil system, a limit is set to stop the destructive results of the flow from the velocity of the fluid. These limits should not exceed the flow rate of the fluid. Below is a list of some of the most important fluid speed limits you sh
日期:2022-04-11 15:27:31         点击:82
Various enterprises are also competing to launch their own killer cards and constantly improve their RESEARCH and development teams. At the same time, they also go abroad to learn their technologies and related core production technologies
日期:2022-04-11 15:36:50         点击:148
Our steel environmental protection project also introduced ABEL company diaphragm pump several sets. Zhang Shengchang analysis pointed out that because the product is widely used in coal gasification, liquefaction engineering, national ene
日期:2022-04-11 15:39:42         点击:77
造成 不锈钢齿轮泵 噪音由以下几种情况 (1)气穴现象和吸空现象 气穴现象和吸空现象是造成不锈钢齿轮泵噪声过高的主要原因之一.在流动的液体中,因某点处的压力低于空气分离压产生气泡的现象,称为 气穴现象.这些空气分离出来后势必形成大量的气泡致使原来连续
日期:2011-11-23 19:31:24         点击:75
Trouble-free pumps are a major goal for all pump operators, and achieving this goal is not an easy task. Botou Haina Pump Co., LTD. Key components of the pump - mechanical seal, impeller, coupling, roller bearings and housing are worn. Mai
日期:2022-04-11 15:50:18         点击:63
福斯公司最近宣布,它计划购买劳伦斯 泵 ,公司的设计制造商离心泵,石化,和石油和天然气工业。 此次收购提供了API和化工渣浆泵技术是关键的炼油公司的核心市场,油砂,聚烯烃和聚乙烯行业福斯。 福斯流体解决方案集团的总裁,汤姆弗格森说,劳伦斯已经在关
日期:2011-11-19 10:14:18         点击:93
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