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There are five cases: (1) Maintenance after gear wear Gear wear parts of the main tooth meshing involute task surface and gear middle plane. When light and fine wear, the tooth surface can be polished with oil stone, and the middle is flat
日期:2022-04-11 13:40:58         点击:169
在加油和卸油的过程中由于车辆的不固定性所以需要移动式的 KCB齿轮泵 来装卸油品,这样方便快速,最小流量的是0.6立方每小时,由于整机的重量性能最大流量的只能到60立方每小时,扬程在10-100米之间。欢迎您订购我公司产品。
日期:2012-06-08 22:49:57         点击:103
The Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission proposed, in order to increase the promotion, China will be strict evaluation system, new projects must all use efficient gear pumps and other energy-saving equipment
日期:2022-04-11 16:34:02         点击:81
今年2-5月份 KCB齿轮泵 产值同比增长虽只有6%,但出口创汇同比增长高达45%;汽车行业产值同比增长虽只有10.83%。增长15.61%,比KCB齿轮泵工业1.24%的平均增幅高出14.37个百分点,在全行业中的占比已达到48.5%。 记者了解到,越是下滑比较严重的行业,
日期:2012-06-01 23:01:45         点击:158
But the problem can not be ignored, KCB gear pump structure is still unable to meet the domestic market demand for high end. Therefore, in the future development process, to advance to the high-end market will be the best choice for ChinaS
日期:2022-04-11 14:19:20         点击:77
March - May KCB gear pump sales low. As sales data continued to be weak, there was a brief rebound spurred by the steady growth policy, which then continued to pull back. The sector fell 1% for the month. The Shanghai Composite index fell
关键词:KCB齿轮泵 齿轮泵
日期:2022-04-11 14:19:57         点击:112
日期:2012-05-26 18:24:01         点击:112
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