Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
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谈到 保温齿轮泵 可想而知是具有保温性能的齿轮泵,泊头市海纳油泵有限公司生产的保温泵型号为RCB\BW\YCB-G型,流量均在0.6-60立方每小时之间。压力0.2-1.0MPA之间,可以用来输送沥青、洗涤剂等在常温下凝固的介质。 保温齿轮泵工作原理是:泵体设有空心夹层
日期:2012-03-07 16:13:34         点击:125
In different working situations to choose the appropriate gear oil pump should pay attention to the following key points: A: temperature: the environmental temperature in different areas is different, low temperature, normal temperature, h
日期:2022-04-11 14:49:06         点击:139
What is the function of sealing oil? How to adjust the amount of sealing oil? (1) sealing effect; (2) lubrication; Cooling effect; (4) The oil sealing amount of washing action is generally adjusted according to the pressure of the pump, us
日期:2022-04-11 14:53:02         点击:63
With the rapid development of national economy, the application of hydraulic transmission is more and more widely, and has become an important symbol to measure the level of industrialization of a country or department. Gear oil pump has b
日期:2022-04-11 15:13:03         点击:177
When the valve is opened for a long time and only closed for a short time, the normally open asphalt gear pump should be selected. And ensure that the installation of the body arrow should be consistent with the flow of the medium, not ins
日期:2022-04-11 15:22:34         点击:190
The gear pump used on the Halley is a double-sided positive displacement gear pump. The oil pump drive shaft drives the CAM gear train through the case and passes into the back of the oil pump body. Two sets of gear drive shaft keying: thi
日期:2022-04-11 15:23:36         点击:79
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