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吕先生您好,您订购的5台 YCB20齿轮泵 已发往山西,预计四天左右到达;请您手机开机到时会通知您。 YCB齿轮泵 主要应用于输送具有一定润滑性质的油品,YCB20齿轮泵流量20立方,发给您的是整套机组,到时请检查。 查询电话:0317-8296807 http://www.hinapump.
日期:2012-10-05 17:10:09         点击:86
It is observed that the world capital has accelerated the penetration of Chinas gear pump industry, international YCB gear pump giants have rushed to ChinaS YCB gear pump market, Chinas YCB gear pump enterprises in a good prospect at the s
日期:2022-04-11 14:16:35         点击:147
Company continuously strengthen technical innovation investment, attaches great importance to the talent education, has more than 200 scientific research institutions and domestic cooperation to establish research and development base, the
日期:2022-04-11 16:11:55         点击:176
目前很多普通铸铁 YCB齿轮泵 在结构上还存在很大的改进空间,从而降低冷热空气的对流程度和生产成本。但考虑到我国的经济发展现状,不是所有的人都用得起断桥(注 1、开发节能齿轮油泵新产品 值才能提高产品竞争力,因此要突破现有的技术瓶颈,从新产品开发、
日期:2012-06-01 23:08:00         点击:114
Because Chinas foundry industry is still in the growth stage, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this aspect. At the same time, the tide of global economic integration has also had a great impact on the die casting industry, a
日期:2022-04-11 16:51:27         点击:73
Because in recent years, the country exports YCB gear pump with nearly $1 billion a year, in the fine, heavy, simple YCB gear pump accounted for a minority, because from the start of reducing the export position, this kind of low-grade YCB
日期:2022-04-11 14:26:09         点击:116
The gear pump used on the Halley is a double-sided positive displacement gear pump. The oil pump drive shaft drives the CAM gear train through the case and passes into the back of the oil pump body. Two sets of gear drive shaft keying: thi
日期:2022-04-11 15:23:36         点击:79
圆弧齿轮油泵安装 许多客户在使用圆弧齿轮泵时总是忽视一些细节问题,下面总结一下应注意的一些小细节:4.泵产生异常噪音应立即停止运转进行检查. 1.不要任意调整安全阀的调整螺母. 2.注意轴密封处,若发生泄漏,视其程度微调压紧螺钉,切勿拧的过紧. 3.注意泵
日期:2011-12-25 19:27:48         点击:195
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