Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
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High temperature gear oil pump drive shaft and bushing wear, its fit gap increases, will affect the pump oil volume. A: the repair of the working plane: if the pump cover working plane wear is small, manual grinding method can be used to e
日期:2022-04-11 19:59:33         点击:59
When conveying oil with temperature higher than 120 degrees (such as heat conduction oil and high temperature oil), it is best to use high temperature oil pump to transport, because the pump is made of special materials with good high temp
日期:2022-04-11 14:13:32         点击:198
高温油泵 密封垫的选用准则是,关于要求不高的场所,可凭经历拔取,不适宜时再改换。但关于那些要求严厉的场所,例如易爆,剧毒和可燃气体以及强侵蚀的液体设备,反响罐和保送管道系统等,则应依据任务压力,任务温度,密封介质的侵蚀性及连系密封面的方式来
日期:2012-07-24 22:19:07         点击:149
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