Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
diesel oil transfer pump|Explosion-proof gear pump|Jacketed screw pump|KCB stainless steel gear pump
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Internal meshing pump referred to as internal gear pump , its structure is more compact than the external gear oil pump, the shape size is smaller, the pressure and displacement of the general internal gear oil pump is smaller, often used
日期:2022-04-11 20:24:53         点击:93
Epoxy resin pump is a rotor positive displacement pump, the internal structure is more complex, the main parts are as follows: inner rotor, outer rotor, shaft, bearing, seal, pump body, bracket and so on. Made of stainless steel and ordina
日期:2022-04-11 20:43:13         点击:362
在众多的 高温油泵 中,RY风冷式 高温导热油泵 性能最为优越,耐高温性能最好,使用起来效果也要比普通的 高温齿轮泵 要好的多,其缺点就是扬程低一些,原因是泵本身的结构决定的,下面介绍一下RY高温导热油泵结构: 一:零部件: 油泵 泵体、叶轮、轴、轴承
日期:2011-05-20 10:44:09         点击:109
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