Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
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1. Design and selection of bearings Like other mechanical products, high temperature gear pump design should also consider its life principle. In order to use raw materials and spare parts economically and reasonably, improve the technical
日期:2022-04-11 20:00:34         点击:165
KCB齿轮油泵 与YCB齿轮油泵都是最常用泵种,下面介绍一下两者的区别: 一:KCB系列用量稍大(因价格低适用范围广) 二: YCB齿轮油泵 齿轮采用圆弧形设计,使用起来噪音低寿命更长久; 三:相同点:两者都是设有安全阀的 四:YCB齿轮油泵所配电机功率稍小一
日期:2012-07-18 14:10:59         点击:133
现如今泊头油泵业中最畅销用量最大的就是 KCB齿轮油泵 ,那为何KCB系列齿轮油泵供不应求呢?下面一下几点: 一:价格优势,价格低是KCB齿轮油泵的优点,但是还是要提醒广大客户不要一味的要求价格低,还要对质量及做工有相对的认知度。 二:结构简单,工艺性较
日期:2012-07-13 22:50:33         点击:133
Here are three reasons for the vibration of gear pump: A: drive shaft and its auxiliary parts Long shaft pump, easy to occur shaft stiffness is insufficient, deflection is too large, the straightness of the shaft is poor, resulting in movi
日期:2022-04-11 16:25:05         点击:139
The method of regulating the valve causes a large amount of electric energy loss in the damping caused by reducing the valve opening degree, so that the working condition moves to the left on the characteristic curve of the oil pump, which
日期:2022-04-11 14:18:02         点击:184
1: the pressure does not go up: the outlet of the gear oil pump cannot reach the specified value, the main reasons are :1) the side plate of the oil pump is worn and the axial clearance is too large, causing serious internal leakage; 2) th
日期:2022-04-11 16:29:39         点击:138
(1) Side plate wear: the gap between the side plate of the gear oil pump and the end face of the gear is very small, such as improper use, the side plate will appear scratch, wear and burn phenomenon. (2) Insufficient oil absorption: its r
日期:2022-04-11 16:31:56         点击:164
日期:2012-06-15 16:03:38         点击:184
1, gear oil pump internal parts wear will cause internal leakage. The leakage area between the floating sleeve and the end face of the gear is large, which is the main part of internal leakage. This part of the leakage accounted for 50 to
日期:2022-04-11 20:02:11         点击:133
今年2-5月份 KCB齿轮泵 产值同比增长虽只有6%,但出口创汇同比增长高达45%;汽车行业产值同比增长虽只有10.83%。增长15.61%,比KCB齿轮泵工业1.24%的平均增幅高出14.37个百分点,在全行业中的占比已达到48.5%。 记者了解到,越是下滑比较严重的行业,
日期:2012-06-01 23:01:45         点击:158
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