Gear Oil Pumps | Hot Oil Pumps
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眼前齿轮泵事业景气派大幅下滑,中低端货物销量正在大幅下滑,没有过高端货物(次要表现正在一些大型齿轮泵上)需要还比拟兴旺。杨进洪以为,军工、飞行等事业对于高精尖 高粘度齿轮泵 存正在较为刚刚性的需要,眼前本国高精尖齿轮泵的落伍情况重大限制了本国飞
日期:2012-06-03 13:54:16         点击:181
目前很多普通铸铁 YCB齿轮泵 在结构上还存在很大的改进空间,从而降低冷热空气的对流程度和生产成本。但考虑到我国的经济发展现状,不是所有的人都用得起断桥(注 1、开发节能齿轮油泵新产品 值才能提高产品竞争力,因此要突破现有的技术瓶颈,从新产品开发、
日期:2012-06-01 23:08:00         点击:114
March - May KCB gear pump sales low. As sales data continued to be weak, there was a brief rebound spurred by the steady growth policy, which then continued to pull back. The sector fell 1% for the month. The Shanghai Composite index fell
关键词:KCB齿轮泵 齿轮泵
日期:2022-04-11 14:19:57         点击:112
日期:2012-05-26 18:24:01         点击:112
Some customers for the first time to use gear oil pump to transport gear oil, without determining their own gear oil viscosity and oil type on the order of equipment, the result in the use of noise, and the throughput is not enough, this i
日期:2022-04-11 15:21:40         点击:121
日期:2011-12-21 19:51:23         点击:193
It is very important to start the gear oil pump correctly, otherwise it will damage the pump. The following is some common sense before starting, please pay attention to it: I. Preparation before starting: 1. Test whether the motor is turn
日期:2022-04-11 20:16:33         点击:132
Such as setting up joint ventures abroad; Establish production and processing bases abroad; The need that presses foreign project project conveys technology and administrative talent to wait is right choice. When it comes to the question,
日期:2022-04-11 15:30:15         点击:199
Various enterprises are also competing to launch their own killer cards and constantly improve their RESEARCH and development teams. At the same time, they also go abroad to learn their technologies and related core production technologies
日期:2022-04-11 15:36:50         点击:148
根据 齿轮泵 工艺流程,给排水要求,从五个方面加以考虑,既液体输送量、装置扬程、液体性质、管路布置以及操作运转条件等。 1、装置系统所需的扬程是选泵的又一重要性能数据,一般要用放大5%10%余量后扬程来选型。选择泵时,以最大流量为依据,兼顾正常流量
日期:2011-11-28 15:03:38         点击:84
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